Lets share our lives, the way we love and the things that make us laugh. Every week I'm going to share a story with you. Hopefully these stories with encourage you to enjoy life, laugh a little, and love passionately!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Real Super Women: Mommies in College

Researchers, authors, and even politicians have shed the light on teen pregnancy and its effects on society for years. But what about those “super women” who become pregnant in college and overcome all obstacles while racing toward the finish line.  According to Kansan.com, about 3 million women experience unexpected pregnancies in the US each year, and most are between the ages of 15 and 24.  The news of an unplanned pregnancy is a shocker to any woman.  But that news to a woman enrolled in college trying to attain her degree, can be news that would change her life forever.  So with school, a baby, and sometimes work, how does one survive unexpected pregnancy while in college?  According to Wendi A. Story, a Masters student at Virginia State University, some women experience a developmental process in their response to the unplanned pregnancy, moving from a position of  irresponsibility to a position of responsibility.  Every woman's experience is different and worth being told.

Abortion? Hell no…
Saadia Newsome, a senior at St. Augustine College, became pregnant during her sophomore year at Johnson C. Smith University.  Like any other unplanned pregnancy, the news to Saadia’s family was jaw dropping.  Despite being conceived within a committed relationship, Saadia’s mom was unpleased with the decisions her daughter had made.  “She felt like the dreams she had for me, were over,” said Newsome. “But they weren’t, they were just beginning.”  Her pregnancy was emotionally stressful so Saadia decided to take a year off from school. A few of Saadia’s friends tried to convince her to have an abortion but because of her beliefs, Saadia never once thought about aborting her unborn child.  According to USA Today reporter, Rachel Jones, women in their 20s account for more than half of abortions.   They are also more vulnerable population when it comes to unintended pregnancy and abortion.  Saadia struggles through the hard times, and is due to graduate this fall with a Bachelor’s degree from St. Augustine College.

Bad News Always Comes in 3s
Leticia also got pregnant during her sophomore year of college. She was in a committed relationship with the man she thought she would spend the rest of her life with. Three weeks after she found out she was pregnant, Leticia’s mom suddenly died from cancer. Not only was she going to be pregnant in college, but also now her major support system had been altered with the death of her mom.  Little did she know, a few months later, she would become a single mom.  Her boyfriend did not stick around for the birth.  With her dedication and determination, Leticia decided to take three semesters off from school, to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth.  Leticia returned started back at a local community college and then transferred to Johnson C. Smith University, where she graduated with honors.  “Having a baby while in college is not easy, but God doesn’t give us more than we can bare,” said Leticia. “I could have given up, I could have aborted my unborn child, but what kind of person would I be to throw in the towel. My mother didn’t raise me like that.” 

Greatest Accomplishment
Helena’s story was a little different.  Helena found out about her pregnancy her senior year of college. “It was very stressful,” said Helena in our one and one interview. She continued to explain how everyone around her thought it was the biggest mistake of her life.  With little encouragement, she held her head high and continued towards what would be her greatest accomplishment. Helena graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations from Savannah State University one month after the birth of her son.  Helena has little financial support but has a stable household, which she shares with her son’s father who is also her fiancĂ©.   According to The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, increasing the proportion of pregnancies that are wanted and welcomed by both parents helps reduce child poverty and income disparities. In Helena’s case, because her unplanned pregnancy became a wanted pregnancy, the struggles she endured were only financial.

According to About.com, the high rate of unintended pregnancy is worrisome, suggesting that these young women may not be as in control of their sexuality and childbearing as one would hope.  Addressing the issue on college pregnancies is becoming more prevalent in today’s society.  In future years more and more research will be done on this rising epidemic.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Education vs. Baby vs. Abortion = Success??

Raising a child while attaining a college degree is very hard work.  According to Courtney Hans, a single mom, having a support system is imperative in the success of going to college and raising a baby.  According to Kansan.com, about 3 million women experience unexpected pregnancies in the US each year, and most are between the ages of 15 and 24.  “Making the decision about what to do about the pregnancy is the hardest thing to do,” said Erin, in an Article entitled, “Unexpectedly Expecting.” Another pregnant college student named Vanessa told her story in that article as well. She aborted her unwanted pregnancy after 5 weeks.

Abortion is a topic that most women in college are faced with went an unplanned pregnancy occurs.  According to “Abortion rates decline overall, increasing in poor,”
an article by USA Today, reported low-income women as having 514, 040 abortions.  That is 42% of all abortions in 2008.   “While some women are getting better at preventing unplanned pregnancy, it’s a reflection on women in poverty who have limited access to birth control methods,” said Willie Parker to USA Today.  “The struggle of finishing is just so hard,” said Katie to reporters of the Kansan.  “That’s why keeping the baby is such a hard decision to make.” Obstetrics and Gynecology reports that 39.9 thousand women between the ages of 20-24 have received abortions in 2008.  USA Today reports that at least 4 in 10 pregnancies in every state were unwanted or mistimes, according to the first-ever-state-level analysis of unintended pregnancies.  

According to that analysis, the District of Columbia, and 29 other states reported that more than half of the pregnancies were unintended.  So with school, a baby, and sometimes work, how does one survive unexpected pregnancy while in college? According to Associated Content by Yahoo, the first thing to be done is to carefully evaluate your particular situation.  Secondly, think about college vs. pregnancy. Will you be in the middle of the semester at the baby’s due date? Are your classes far ways from each other? Depending on your situation you may or may not want to enroll in a smaller university. And lastly, you may need some time off from school to breathe and map out your new life with your new baby.

Stay tuned to this blog for more on college mom statistics…how many college moms actually earn a degree?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Unplanned Pregnancy Rates

The news of an unplanned pregnancy is a shocker to any woman.  But that news to a woman who is in college trying to attain her degree, can be detrimental. Many of my friends have overcome the trials and tribulations of being a college mommy.  This is why I have decided to write my article on this topic. I would like to share their stories as well as some significant data with my readers.  I found many data visualizations that would be able to give me a good foundation in my article.
Unplanned Pregnancy Rates in the   United States, 1981-2002 Many Eyes
Although it is not as current as I would like it to be, this data is important because it shows how the unplanned pregnancy rate has not made a dramatic change since 1981 for females ages 15-44. My article will mainly tell the story of the unplanned pregnancy amongst college friends, but having other data to compare is very important.

Monday, June 6, 2011


According to the Chicago Tribune, the first statutory abortion regulation was enacted in 1821 in the state of Connecticut to protect women after their fourth month of pregnancy from induced abortion by poison.  Little did they know, abortion would become one of the biggest controversies of all times.  Merriam Webster defines abortion as induced expulsion of a fetus.  Abortion, a topic that was not spoken upon, has now made it into many headlines and into our own homes, our hearts and our minds. 
According to a recent Gallup poll, 45% of Americans believe that abortion is wrong, and 49% believes that whatever the woman chooses is fine. These percentages haven't change much. Last year "pro life" Americans stood at 47% and "pro choice" Americans stood at 45%. CSNNEWS.com, reports that the survey was done on 1,018 Americans asking them whether they considered themselves "pro life" or "pro choice."

1995-2011 Trend: U.S. Adults' Position on Abortion (Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life)

Katha Pollitt, author of Abortion in American History, states that the number one reason why people are against abortions is because in their opinion its murder.  She goes on to explain that "almost half American women have terminated at least one pregnancy, and millions more Americans of both sexes have helped them, as partners, parents, health-care workers, counselors, and friends.
According to Choice Matters, some popular reasons why people are against abortion is because of the medical complications that can derive from the procedure. Some people also believe that having an abortion is punishing the unborn child, and causes intense psychological pain and stress.  Whereas, American Psychological AssociatioN found that stress is greatest prior to the abortion.  Pro choice believers feel that abortion is a safe medical procedure and women should have complete control over their bodies. 

Summary of 2011 U.S. Abortion Views -- by Gender and Age
Abortion is not only a big controversy in America, but also across the World.  In many countries Abortion is legal in certain circumstances.  In Afghanistan, Abortion is only legal if it threatens the life of the woman. In Bangladesh, Abortion is legal but only in the 1st trimester. In other countries like Chile, El Salvador, Malta, and Venezuela, there is no exceptions to Abortion, it is illegal (PregnantPause.org).  Abortion will continue to be debated today, tomorrow, and years to come. You choose, are you "pro choice" or "pro life?"  

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sex Education, or No Sex Education? That is the Question…

Have you ever heard the saying curiosity kills the cat? Well curiosity is going to cause more babies if people don’t open their eyes to the point of sex education.  In July of 2010, Montana Parents from Helena County rallied together to object to the school district’s proposal for sex education starting as early as kindergarten. 

The point of sex education is to inform not to make children more curious.  As a kindergartener, I wanted to play and get messy, and I really looked forward to nap and recess time. I cannot and will not imagine my children being taught sex education in elementary school. According to Fox News the county has allowed some parents to opt out of the class for their children, but sex education does not belong in an elementary school. At the age, children have wonderful imaginations, which allow them to live free and be happy, as children should be.  They should continue to play mommy and daddy but not know that daddy has to penetrate mommy to bring sister or brother into the world. Now that is ridiculous!

My first sex education course was in the 7th grade. Even though we were being taught abstinence is the only 100% way to stay free of STDs and pregnancy, my classmates still were curious. Boys starting sneaking into the girls showers after PE, and doing things that are not to be done in the 7th grade.  They were very immature and did not handle the lesson like the school thought they would. Not saying that at age 12 boys aren’t curious but school is not a place for that curiosity. 

I honestly believe that sex education at such a young age should be left to the discretion of the child’s family. Teaching them the scientific words for their private parts is completely ripping their innocence from their imaginations. Yes teen pregnancies are increasing, but do we want 9 year olds to start getting pregnant right after they start their menstrual.   Parents should step up and be parents.  Stop depending on life to teach your children the lessons they should be taught at home.  

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Babies Born Hooked: The Epidemic of the "Oxy Babies"

Newborn Withdrawal numbers






Source: Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration

Twenty years ago America was struck with the epidemic of the “crack babies.”  Today, specifically in South Florida, we witness the epidemic of the “Oxy Babies.”
According to the Miami Herald, a Florida newborn is treated for drug withdrawal syndrome three times a day.  This simple means that the baby was exposed to the drug while in the womb.  The painkiller, oxycodone is the rising drug of choice amongst pregnant women in the state of Florida.
“Oxycodone had such a grip on my life,’’ admits Jennifer Clingan, 33, a Marine and former insurance agent who is due in July. “It’s like a monster that will not let you go. I was not there for my other two children like I should have been. Now I am fighting to save this baby, to deliver a healthy son.’’

The Miami Herald reports that just five years ago 275 babies in Florida were treated for withdrawal syndrome. In 2010, nearly 1,100 babies were treated, quadrupling the amount in 2006.  According to the Agency for Health Care Administration, 463 mothers were treated for drug related complications during their pregnancy in 2010.  According to AZcentral.com, these numbers aren’t getting better. The numbers are growing rapidly because of the serious prescription drug addiction in South Florida.  

The Florida Department of Children and Families are usually called in when a baby is tested positive for any drugs. In some cases the mothers are given help through programs such as the Susan B. Anthony Recovery Center. Their purpose is to ensure that babies are born clean and families are reunited. In other cases, some parental rights are terminated.

Doctors hope that like crack babies, the oxy babies will be able to bounce back and not suffer long-term effects. Abc 7 news Reports that Kathryn Shea, president of the Florida Center for Child and Family Development, says the number of babies being born addicted to prescription opioids is increasing, and the short-term effects are heartbreaking. “A lot of tremoring, constant crying…these babies are at higher risk for developing seizure disorders, they're at higher risk we believe for developing SIDS -- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. They’re pretty inconsolable, a lot of crying, difficulty developing routines and sleep schedules, difficulty being comforted and soothed.”
According to drugfree.org, a meeting was held last week between health care executives and Florida officials. On the agenda was the discussion of how on a plan to protect these unborn babies from their drug addicted mothers. Possible solutions will be constructed as future meeting are held to rectify this rising epidemic in South Florida. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

All hail Bin Laden: Attack on the Frontier Constabulary

Bodies scattered everywhere and the injured cried out for help after two suicide bombs exploded Friday in Shabqadar, Pakistan. According to BBC News, Pakistan Taliban carried out the attack to avenge the death of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, who was killed by US Navy Seals on May 2nd. “It’s the first revenge for the martyrdom of Bin Laden. There will be more,” said Taliban spokesman Ehsanollah Ehsan by telephone to Reuters News. The attack was aimed at members of the Frontier Constabulary training center. The cadets were heading home for a 10-day leave after six months of intensive training. “We had been very happy. I was loading my bag into the bus when the blast took place. I was seriously injured but wasn’t knocked out. I crawled towards a safe place and then heard another huge blast,” said Gul Momin, an injured cadet.

Pakistan Army Chiefs were due to appear before parliament just hours after the attack. They were to explain their actions on the death of Bin Laden and their ally with the US. BBC news reported that the first bomber came on a motorcycle and detonated his vest; minutes after the second bomber, on another motorcycle, blew him-self up near the south gates of the Constabulary. This is the deadliest attack of 2011. According to the New York Times, provincial security stated that the death toll was so high because the men were told to wait for their transportation outside the gates, which provided the opportunity to attack them in a cluster. The 6am explosion not only killed recruits but five civilians were later identified. “…there were also four other bodies that were torn into pieces that could not be identified,” said district police chief Nisar Khan Marwat.

The Tribune reports that doctors at the Lady Reading Hospital struggled trying to stabilize the critically wounded and saving the lives of the near dead. Chief Executive Officer of the hospital, Dr Abdul Hamid Afridi said that 40 people were in critical condition early Friday morning; by nightfall only one person was critical; the others had become casualties.

"This is a heinous attack. It only highlights the existential threat that these kind of extremist organizations pose for Pakistan, and underscores why it’s so important that we continue to work together both on defeating and dismantling al Qaeda as well as its affiliates,” said State Department spokesman Mark Toner.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Arrested: Jeffrey Brown - Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Jeffrey Browm,
UM Hurricanes Defensive Lineman

University of Miami football player, Jeffrey Brown, turned himself into the Coral Gables Police Department last Wednesday where he was arrested and charged with Sexual Battery.  Allegedly, Brown, a defensive lineman, raped a female student in her dorm room last Sunday around 2am.  He helped the student to her dorm room after she had passed out in his room of alcoholic intoxication, where the alleged rape took place.  

Because of his stature the female student was unable to fight Brown off, but repeatedly told him to stop.  The lineman stands at 6 feet 3 inches and weighs 295 pounds. Brown denied having sex with the victim until he was caught texting his roommate. Brown wrote several texts to his roommate asking him to dispose of his underwear.  There is no report that states the roommate was questioned, but the underwear has been confiscated and tested for evidence. Brown now admits to having sex with the victim but insists it was consensual.  Brown also stated that he and the alleged victim are friends.

19-year-old Brown hails from Evanston, Illinois, where he played football at Evanston Township High School. ESPN.com rated Brown as three-star recruit. Brown’s attorneys stated Wednesday that, “Notwithstanding the erroneous and inflammatory information leaked to the press today, Jeffrey Brown did not engage in an criminal conduct whatsoever in the evening in question, nor did he violate any rules of the University of Miami or its football program. His family has hired counsel, stands by him wholeheartedly, and looks forward to Jeffrey having his day in court so that he can clear his good name."  Brown has been released on bond from the Miami Dade County Jail.

As for Brown and his football career, the University of Miami made a statement that, “[We] have become aware of the serious charges made against [the] student athlete and [he] has been suspended indefinitely from the football program.”  This is the second suspension of a UM player in less than two months.  Other investigations may indeed lead to future suspensions of more players. Looks like the Hurricanes are already looking forward to a ruff season.

Was it consensual or was it rape?  Brown and the victim will have their day in court, where justice will be served.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

DJ Henry vs. The Color of His Skin???? hmmm....

The highlights of my undergrad college career were always the events that took placed during the Homecoming season. The football games, the marching bands, the parties; were most memorable. Never once did it ever cross my mind that my friends would not live to see the next day. For Brandon Cox, that Homecoming evening is a night he will never forget.

On the evening of October 17, 2010, his best friend, Danroy “DJ” Henry was shot and killed by a Weschester County police officer. According to CNN, police responded to a brawl outside a restaurant in Thornwood, NY, when a car that Henry was driving struck an officer, who ended up on the hood of the car, and then proceeded in the direction of another officer. Both officers opened fire on the vehicle. Henry was killed and the passenger, his best friend Brandon Cox, was shot in the arm and chest.

I have heard so many different renditions of this one story. But in all the videos I have seen, the police were definitely out of control.

DJ’s family has filed many civil suits against the NY police department. As if their son’s death wasn’t bad enough, here comes another slap in the face. The Police Benevolent Association has honored Aaron Hess, the police officer that shot and killed their son, as Officer of the Year. The question that I raise to my audience is…are the police officers getting away with this brutality because they are white and DJ was black? I hate to pull the race card but sometimes it’s a necessity.

I just do not understand how something like this can happen and the officers were not even suspended. DJ was not a troublemaker. He was a phenomenal athlete who was well known by his peers and his teachers. I completely understand the officers feared for their lives, but they did not have to kill that young man.

According to CNN reporters, the police officers also arrested some of his friends who tried to administer CPR to him as his lifeless body laid on the curb. I hope and pray that DJ’s family gets some kind of closure. They lost their son; the least that should have happened was the dismissal of those officers.
For more information and a timeline of articles on DJ’s case please visit www.enterprisenews.com.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lets Prevent Another Columbine

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, I witnessed the worst case of bullying. As I was leaving to go to work at 6:30 in the morning, I saw 4 male students approach another student and started cursing and swearing at him; a brutal beating was followed.  As I was about to get help, the young man stood up and walked towards the school bus like nothing happened, as if it was a daily routine.  It was still dark outside so the faces of these young men were not clear. According to the management of the apartment complex, nothing was reported.  

For the past few years, Bullying has been a very “touchy” topic amongst families. When I was growing up, no one ever reported bullying, we just dealt with it, and wished the days went by quicker.  According to Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus, bullying is defined as when a person is “exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons. “

Bullying can have long life effects on children.  Children who have been bullied suffer from depression, suicidal and homicidal thoughts, and even sometimes become the bully. Bullying occurs not only in elementary, but in middle school and high schools as well.
Both student shooters at the Columbine High School Massacre were bullied for years.  There is a great possibility that if their parents paid more attention, or if their teachers didn’t turn their cheeks, or if another student stood up for them, that horrible tragedy would have never happened. With the inclination of the technology world, bullying can now be done on the Internet.
Parents, lets not ignore our children when they say their being bullied. And teachers lets not be afraid to stand up for a child you know is being bullied. You may be the person that saves that child or another child’s life.
For other information on how to stop/report bullying in your neighborhood or school please visit www.how-to-stop-bullying.com.

Brown, Brooks; Rob Merritt (2002). No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine. New York, NY: Lantern Books.

Boodman, Sandra G. (May 16, 2006). "Gifted and Tormented". The Washington Post.




Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pain Vs. Pleasure

Contracting a sexually transmitted disease can cause someone a lifetime of pain, especially if its an STD that has no cure, like HIV, AIDS, and Herpes. All it takes is one night of unprotected pleasure to cause this horrible lifetime of pain.

According to statistics, the number of STD cases in American males have declined since 1984. But in American females, it has increased phenomenally. Now the question is, "Why is that?"

What can be done to lower these numbers? I had my first sex education class in the 7th grade. Looking back on that I thought that was a bit young. Then when I saw my classmates having babies in the 8th grade I thought maybe that wasn't young enough.

When I was in high school no one wanted to admit that they were sexually active. Then the Department of Health did a survey on all students. More that 75% of the students were having sex, and more than 50% had admitted to having an STD. That blew my mind!

Now lets look at the statistics. Females have a tendency of going to the doctor more than males, especially because females show more symptoms than males when they are infected with an STD. So is the numbers for males inaccurate because of ignorance, or is it just the blatant truth? Things that make you go hmmmm..... What do you think?