Lets share our lives, the way we love and the things that make us laugh. Every week I'm going to share a story with you. Hopefully these stories with encourage you to enjoy life, laugh a little, and love passionately!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lets Prevent Another Columbine

On Wednesday April 6, 2011, I witnessed the worst case of bullying. As I was leaving to go to work at 6:30 in the morning, I saw 4 male students approach another student and started cursing and swearing at him; a brutal beating was followed.  As I was about to get help, the young man stood up and walked towards the school bus like nothing happened, as if it was a daily routine.  It was still dark outside so the faces of these young men were not clear. According to the management of the apartment complex, nothing was reported.  

For the past few years, Bullying has been a very “touchy” topic amongst families. When I was growing up, no one ever reported bullying, we just dealt with it, and wished the days went by quicker.  According to Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus, bullying is defined as when a person is “exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons. “

Bullying can have long life effects on children.  Children who have been bullied suffer from depression, suicidal and homicidal thoughts, and even sometimes become the bully. Bullying occurs not only in elementary, but in middle school and high schools as well.
Both student shooters at the Columbine High School Massacre were bullied for years.  There is a great possibility that if their parents paid more attention, or if their teachers didn’t turn their cheeks, or if another student stood up for them, that horrible tragedy would have never happened. With the inclination of the technology world, bullying can now be done on the Internet.
Parents, lets not ignore our children when they say their being bullied. And teachers lets not be afraid to stand up for a child you know is being bullied. You may be the person that saves that child or another child’s life.
For other information on how to stop/report bullying in your neighborhood or school please visit www.how-to-stop-bullying.com.

Brown, Brooks; Rob Merritt (2002). No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine. New York, NY: Lantern Books.

Boodman, Sandra G. (May 16, 2006). "Gifted and Tormented". The Washington Post.




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